One-Box RF Test system

Test Bench in Box: All-in-one RF Test System

All in one RF Test System developed by Elite RF is truly an engineer’s dream because it is a RF test bench in one enclosure which can be used for R & D, EMC Assessment and Automated production tests in the factory.

All instruments are accessible through front panel connectors, expect for the oscilloscope which is accessed from the rear panel. Instrument settings are controlled with a wireless keyboard and mouse and is included. This RF Test System has Ethernet, USB and WiFi interfaces and a HDMI connector on the rear to connect an external monitor which allows viewing multiple instruments at the same time.
The system software allows independent control of the instruments.

This multi-purpose RF Test system fulfils the need for a cost-effective and compact alternative and makes is not only ideal for industries but also for universities.

all in one rf test system


- 12.4 GHz Spectrum Analyzer
- 12.4 GHz Tracking Generator
- 13.6 GHz Dual Signal Generator
- 18 GHz RF Power Amplifier
- 200 MHz 4 Channel Scope
- 12.5 GHz RF Power Meter